How to Give Baby a Bath in Baby Bath Tub
A step-by-step guide on how to bathe a baby using a baby bath tub (including how to wash baby’s face and hair), what temperature to choose for baby’s bath water, and what baby bathing essentials you need.
A step-by-step guide on how to bathe a baby using a baby bath tub (including how to wash baby’s face and hair), what temperature to choose for baby’s bath water, and what baby bathing essentials you need.
How, when, and where to do your newborn baby’s first sponge bath and a checklist of newborn sponge bath supplies.
Which solid foods should I give to a 7-month-old baby? Solids diet, schedule, and tips on Cloudmom.
How do I introduce solids to my 6-month-old baby? First foods, solid food schedules, and a diet for your baby.
In this article, I discuss how you can tell if your newborn baby is hungry or full while breastfeeding. I then discuss how to tell when an older baby is hungry or full and getting enough breastmilk.
Which exercises can you do with a 3 to 6-month-old baby to help them learn how to sit up? Here are some physical activities that help teach your baby how to sit up.
Keep your toddler as active as possible outside and inside! Avoid the iPad, iPhone, computers, and television. Experts say that teal world play is best.
Advice on sleep and schedules, food, gross motor, fine motor, potty training, and more in the latest installment of my toddler month by month series.
The latest video in my toddler month by month series with advice on speech and language, toddler fine motor and gross motor activities, toddler food, sleep and schedules, and developmental milestones.
Gross motor skills, when and how to potty train, diet and sleep schedules, the Bracey update, and more in Month33 of my Toddler Month by Month series.
Speech and language milestones and activities, gross and fine motor activities, and when and how to potty train in my Month32 video and article.
Tips on breastfeeding a 6-month-baby, including on breastfeeding positions for an older, distracted baby, and how to know your baby is full.
Tips on fine motor and gross motor skills, speech and language development, diet, sleep and food schedules, and more in the latest episode of my toddler month by month series.
Tips regarding how to look at developmental milestones with your toddler in my month 30 video and article.
Toddler speech tips plus advice on milestones, diet, schedules, fine motor, and gross motor activities.
Tips for your 28-month-old toddler, including on toddler sleep and schedules, fine motor and gross motor activities, and speech and language.
Tips on your 27-month-old toddler including when to begin potty training, how to have a conversation with your toddler, and good activities to encourage fine and gross motor skills.
A step-by-step guide to walk you through how and when to change a newborn baby’s diaper!
A step-by-step guide to walk you guys through how to clean a newborn baby boy or baby girl during a diaper change!
What do I do when my Toddler bites? Tips on discipline, schedules, food, developmental milestones, and intellectual and physical activities in the latest episode of my Toddler Month by Month series.