Toddler Month by Month: 36
- December 18, 2023
- by Melissa Lawrence
Hi everyone and welcome to Month 36 with your baby and Month 36 with my toddler Bracey.
How Old is a 36-Month-Old Toddler?
Your toddler is 3 years old. Happy birthday!
Average Weight and Height of a 36-Month-Old Toddler
Average Weight of 36-Month-Old
The average weight for a 36-month-old toddler is 31.8 pounds for boys
(14.4 kilos) and 30.7 pounds (13.9 kilos) for girls.
How Tall is the Average 36-Month-Old?
The average height for a 36-month-old boy is 37.5 inches (95.3 cm) and for a girl is 37.1 inches (94.2 cm).
36-Month-Old Toddler Developmental Milestones
36-Month-Old Toddler Speech Milestones
What’s typical for a 36-month-old when it comes to speech and language? By this age, most toddlers can:
- Say between 500-1000 words
- Use nouns, adjectives, and verbs in three- and four-word sentences
- Call themselves and others by name
- Describe their experiences and feelings using “I”: “I want that.” (Respond “I would like”).
- Form plurals
- Ask repeated questions like “What color is that?”
- Describe their physical and psychological condition: “I feel cold … I feel sad … I feel happy.”
- Recite a nursery rhyme, tell a story or sing a song (including the basic concepts and words)
Make your day as language rich as possible, discussing with your toddler what you do and why, and concentrating on cause and effect. When you are playing with your toddler, discuss numbers, colors, shapes and invent stories. Try to avoid the iPhone, iPad and computers. Real-world play is the best thing for kids!
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Physical Activities for a 36-Month-Old Toddler
Take trips to the playground daily and encourage your toddler to climb up the playgym, go down the slide, and balance on the seesaw. Also, take short jogs and bike rides. Encourage your toddler to be as active as possible inside by having them climb up and down the stairs and on and off the sofa, dance, hop, run in the house, and play other games like bowling, indoor tennis (if you are ok with this) and hopscotch.
Intellectual Activities for a 36-Month-Old-Toddler
Fine Motor Activities for a 36-Month-Old
When it comes to fine motor activities with your 3-year-old, encourage painting, drawing, puzzles, leafing through books, block building, and other manipulatives and toys that emphasize sorting, counting, spatial recognition, and dexterity. By this point, you can introduce tracing and cutting books, which are handy for travel.
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What Should my 36-Month-Old Toddler be Eating?
Keep your foods fresh and varied, and try to keep calcium, iron, and protein high and sugar (especially processed sugar) at bay.
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What Foods should my 3-Year-Old Eat?
Three year olds need a wide variety of foods from the basic food groups. Opt for whole grains. Keep sugar low, especially processed sugar. Try to introduce fresh foods over frozen or canned. And try to keep as much variety as you can into your child’s diet.
Schedule for Breastfeeding or Milk Feeding Babies at 36 Months of Age
How Much Sleep Does My 3-Year-Old Need?
Your toddler will need about 10-13 hours of sleep over a 24 hour period. That means approximately 9-11 hours at night and a 1-1.5 hour long nap. Since starting school, Bracey sleeps approximately 13 hours a day, 11.5 hours at night from around 8pm – 7:30am with a nap of around 1 hour or less.
Scheduled for 36-Month-Old Toddler with 1 Afternoon Nap
At this point, you likely are seeing the afternoon nap shorten. Some toddlers are dropping the nap completely. You might find that your toddler naps on certain days and not others. My doctor tells me that is completely normal.
- 7am feed* & breakfast
- 10am snack
- 12pm feed & lunch (1-2 pm sleep)
- 3pm feed & snack
- 6pm dinner
- 7:30 pm final milk feeding
- 8pm bedtime
*Start the schedule when your toddler wakes up. If you are no longer breastfeeding, give milk or its alternative after the meal.
Bracey update
During his 36th month, Bracey celebrated his 3rd birthday with his siblings. Starting all-day school was another major milestone. The school quickly wrote home saying some progress needs to happen on the potty training front, so we’re still at work with that. Thank you so much for watching. It’s been an honor and joy to film these videos and to watch my child grow alongside yours. See you back soon for more how to videos on