Toddler Month by Month: 31
- June 1, 2023
- by Melissa Lawrence
Hi everyone and welcome to Month 31 with your baby and Month 31 with my toddler Bracey.
How Old is a 31-Month-Old Toddler?
Your toddler is now 2 years and 7 months old.
Average Weight and Height of a 31-Month-Old Toddler?
Average Weight of 31-Month-Old?
The average weight for a 31-month-old toddler is 30.2 pounds for boys
(13.7 kilos) and 29.1 pounds (13.2 kilos) for girls.
How tall is the average 31-month-old?
The average height for a 31-month-old boy is 36.2 inches (92 cm) and for a girl is 35.8 inches (91 cm).
31 Month Old Toddler Developmental Milestones
31-Month-Old Toddler Speech Milestones
What’s typical for a 31-month-old when it comes to speech and language? By this age, most toddlers can:
- Say 50-100 words (some toddlers are saying more by this point). Keep in mind there is a huge range of normal with some toddlers saying fewer words and some more.
- Utter 2- to 4-word phrases, including with an action words like “George fall.”
- Use the past tense, like “George fell.”
- Point to basic things in a book when you read it and name them (horse, cow, sun, tree, cake).
- Sing a truncated version of the basic lyrics of a song (like “Happy Birthday”).
- Pronounce the names of increasing amounts of friends and family members with vowels and more crisp consonants. Bracey is now saying “Beckett.”
How Can I Teach my Toddler to Speak
By this point, you can start conversing with your toddler, asking them questions and trying to decode and decipher their response. Ask them what they did, what they ate, and what they want to do. If this is too complex for your toddler, ask them descriptive questions like “Bracey, did you ride your bike in the park?” And see if they say yes or no. Rather than ask yes or no questions, which will invariably elicit a “no” from a stubborn toddler, give your toddler a choice. Pay careful attention to what your toddler says and look at them intently in the eyes, so as to teach them good conversation skills.
Physical Development Milestones for a 31-month-old Toddler
You should continue to see a gradual progression in your toddler’s physical dexterity. They should have an easier time getting up the jungle gym in the playground, going down the slide, going up and down stairs, kicking and throwing a ball, and running, jumping and dancing. Bracey is still moving himself forward by pushing his bicycle with his feet, and has begun slowly pedaling a bike with training wheels.
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Physical Activities for a 31-Month-Old Toddler
Stick to the same indoor and outdoor routines. While home, allow your toddler to roam free as much as possible and encourage them to climb onto and off of the sofa, to roll, to dance, and to slide a soft ball across the floor or, if this works in your household, to throw and kick it. Try bowling with plastic pins, yoga poses, and small household chores like sweeping and wiping things down. Anything that keeps your toddler moving is great!
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Intellectual Activities for a 31-Month-Old-Toddler
The Importance of Creative Play
At around this stage, you might notice your toddler becoming more absorbed in creative play. Bracey has begun playing a lot with horses and cars, running them across the sofa or the floor. Experts say that this imaginative play is an integral part of your toddler’s development, so try to allow them as much time as possible do to this. If you want to make this activity language rich, insert some objects in your toddler’s play and ask them questions (like “Is the horse going to the barn, Bracey?”)
When will my Toddler Play with Other Kids?
At this stage, many toddlers play alongside versus with each other. I recently took Bracey to his first school playdate and he in fact played on his own alongside rather than with the other children. Experts say this is normal at this stage and good for toddlers, as this sort of play develops problem-solving skills, independence, and autonomy. If your child seems to be demonstrating anti-social behavior, speak with your doctor.
Fine Motor Activities for a 31-Month-Old
Concentrate on any activity that asks your toddler to use his fingers and hands to create, mold or fit things together. Small blocks, magnet-type blocks, plastic chain links, play doh, finger painting, an activity set with zippers, buttons, and velcro, and oversize Legos … all of these activities are super for a toddler this age. Try to be there while your toddler plays some of the time and to say aloud the numbers, colors and concepts involved so that playing also becomes language-rich.
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What Should My 31-Month-Old Toddler Be Eating?
Keep it varied, keep it fresh, keep it fun, and don’t stress. Introduce, introduce, introduce. For a comprehensive look at what food to give toddlers at this stage, check out Month 27.
Schedule for Breastfeeding or Milk Feeding Babies at 31 Months of Age
Follow the same schedule as during prior months. Your toddler will need about 12.5-14 hours of sleep over a 24 hour period. That means 11-12 hours at night and a 1.5-3 hours nap. Bracey sleeps 13-15 hours a day, 11-12 hours at night with a nap of 2-3 hours.
- 7am feed* & breakfast
- 10am snack
- 12pm feed & lunch (1-3pm sleep)
- 3pm feed & snack
- 6:30 pm dinner
- 7:30 pm final milk feeding
- 8pm bedtime
*Start the schedule when your toddler wakes up. If you are no longer breastfeeding, give milk or its alternative after the meal.
Why it’s Good to Put your Toddler down Early
You would think that when you put a child down late for bedtime, they sleep later. But that is not my experience. When I got my kids down by 7:30-8, they slept 12 hours or near to that. When I got them down later, they woke up at the same time or earlier. It has to do with sleep cycles and doctors have confirmed this. So don’t shy away from putting your child to bed early. You might be pleasantly surprised when you see them sleeping for a longer period than when you put them down late.
My Toddler is Climbing Out of his Crib
During the past month, Bracey started doing this. This means you are graduating to a toddler bed because having your child climb out of their crib and risk falling is not a good idea. Frankly, I was a bit upset when this happened but as with every milestone, you have to embrace it and move forward. Bracey then started coming out during the night, early in the morning, but I just kept bringing him back to bed and now he’s on a regular schedule again.
Bracey update
During his 31th month, Bracey continued to enjoy art activities at home and playing outdoors and inside. Opening and closing doors at home became one of his favorite pastimes. Thanks for watching and see you back soon for Month 32.