41 Weeks Pregnant
- July 15, 2021
- by Melissa Lawrence
Howdy, mommies and daddies-to-be! Have friends and family been pestering you non-stop with questions about why you’re past due? You may be asking yourself: “Why am I not going into labor?” While I have never made it past week 38 of pregnancy, I’d imagine that these questions would drive me up the wall. As I’ve described in recent weeks, I gave birth to my sixth baby Bracey at 30 weeks of pregnancy. But I would never leave those of you who are overdue all alone. You’re almost there, my dears. Let’s dive into Week 41 of your pregnancy.
41 Weeks Pregnant: Recurring Symptoms
41 Weeks Pregnant: Common Symptoms
UGH!!! Get out of me! The timer has gone off, but your bun still hasn’t emerged from the oven. While none of my babies have gone late term, I can imagine the frustration of being pregnant past your due date. But, before you begin to worry, note that only 4% of all babies are born on their due date, some in the two weeks leading up to it and some in the two weeks following. Talk with your doctor about potentially getting induced if you’re in this situation and your baby seems to be taking their own sweet time.
Stages of Fetal Development: Baby Growth & Size at 41 Weeks
At week 41, your baby weighs 7 to 9 pounds and is 19 to 21 inches long, about the size of a watermelon. If you give birth to a late term baby, the chances are higher that your baby may have fetal macrosomia, or a larger than average weight. Not to worry since having a macrosomic baby usually doesn’t cause much of a problem. However, a large baby can make delivery more difficult since your baby will have a trickier time fitting through the birth canal.
Since your baby will be born past their due date, they likely will be more responsive and alert at birth, perhaps with their eyes open! Cool, right?! Your baby’s endocrine system may also be working overtime, trying to signal to your body that it’s time for your overdue bun to leave the oven! Let me out!!
Fun Fact About Pregnancy The state with the highest birth rate in the country is Utah (17.6 births per 1,000 people). |
How to Deal with Postpartum Depression
Several days after delivery, your hormone levels (mainly progesterone and estrogen) drop dramatically. That, combined with anxiety over parenthood, feeling overwhelmed, changes in your social environment, and physical changes including exhaustion can lead to the baby blues. If the baby blues stick around for a long period of time — up to a year or more — and become more severe, you could be suffering from postpartum depression.
If you are feeling stuck or in a dark place, talk with a trusted friend and get professional help. While taking care of your baby you also have to remember to take good care of yourself. Here’s a quick guide to some (not all) of the symptoms and risks associated with postpartum depression:
Your Pregnancy at 41 Weeks: Prenatal Appointments
Here are the prenatal tests available at week 41 of pregnancy:
Biophysical Profile
Contraction Stress Test
Fetal Acoustic Stimulation
Nonstress Test
Week by Week Pregnancy Food Guide
Eating healthy during pregnancy requires a lot more than just taking a prenatal vitamin every day. Making healthy choices with the foods you ingest can help you and your baby have a healthy, safe pregnancy.
Head over to Week 4 and Week 5 for a complete pregnancy food guide that includes what to eat and not eat while pregnant, take a look below, and check back in each week for a healthy pregnancy recipe.
Quick, Healthy Meal Tip Elvis Waffle: spread peanut butter on a toasted whole wheat mini waffle and top with sliced banana and honey. Optional: add crumbled bacon on top. (FoodNetwork) Why honey? The most nutritious form of honey is when it is raw. Processed honey can actually remove some of its nutrients, rendering it less beneficial. Regardless, honey is a wonderful source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which are helpful in reducing your risk of heart disease. Honey also is naturally antibacterial and anti-fungal, which is part of the reason why its shelf life is ridiculously long. I love to use honey when I have a sore throat to provide some relief. |
[amazonapi title=” Organic Raw honey”]
How Many Months Is 41 Weeks?
Doctors typically don’t measure your pregnancy based on months for a very good reason: months have a different number of days and weeks, meaning that the month during which your pregnancy began would influence the month of pregnancy you’re in. However, 41 weeks in months means you are around 10 months pregnant.
Week 41 Pregnancy Checklist
- Discuss with your doctor about possibly inducing labor
- Schedule your inducement if you are planning to do so
- Practice relaxation techniques
- Exercise
- Schedule your week 42 prenatal appointment (just in case)
- Check in on your partner’s wellbeing
- Get lots and lots and lots of rest
- If bored, binge watch a new show (the Office is definitely my fav)
- What to Expect & What to Expect When You’re Expecting – 5th Edition (2016)
- The Bump
- Baby List
- Parents.com
- Healthline.com
- WebMD
- The Mama Natural Week to Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth (2017)
- Mayo Clinic’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy – Second Edition (2018)
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists