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    Side-Lying Breastfeeding Demonstration | CloudMom

    […] more on breastfeeding, watch my demonstration of other nursing positions. baby, Breast, breast milk, breast-feeding, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding at Night, Breasts, […]

    Kim Marshall

    The most important in breastfeeding is good preparation! I had so many questions about breastfeeding when my son was born. I was lost and depressed because somehow it was very difficult for me. I felt that I won’t handle it. I was searching the net and I have found an awesome ebook HOW TO MAKE BREASTFEEDING PLEASANT AND EASY from this website It made me stronger and I knew I could deal with all these problems I had. I am sooo happy to say that I made it! I was breastfeeding my boy for 18 months! I wouldn’t do it without this guide! I only regret I didn’t know about it and read it before my son was born


    this guide is exactly what I needed! Andwered all my questions and I know now I am well prepared 🙂 cool

    Kim Blom

    OMG ! really I searched many times on google to get help like this guide! Thanks for the title