Track your Baby's Development


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    If you had the baby sleep from day one in a bassinet next to your bed, how do you move them to their crib? What if the baby doesn’t fall asleep on their own? Mine shows signs of sleepy but fights it and gets super fussy. If I put him down he cries, and cries, and screams, I have let him go 10 minutes but then realize he is not calming down. He is only just 3 months old, but I really would like to get him to nap in his crib or his pack n play bassinet. Help!

    Melissa Lawrence

    I think you gradually have to get them accustomed — babies are so so smart, and they sure love being close to warm Mommy! I would try leaving him and see if he tires out and falls asleep, but this is a controversial issue as some parents don’t believe that babies should ever “cry it out.” I personally think that if you want baby to sleep on his own, the earlier you do this the better — that is what worked for my babies. I also think maybe he knows that if he cries you are coming in. Check with your doctor but maybe you can wait 15 and see if he tires and sleeps, the more he gets used to falling asleep on his own, the less he will cry. Also, is he sucking his thumb? Sometimes when babies self-soothe this is when they self-comfort and sleep better on their own!


    So do you put baby in the crib in your room? Or is the crib in another room?

    Melissa Lawrence

    All my babies were right next to me in a small room right near our bedroom, I actually could hear them right through the wall or through the open door… if they were in my room, I could never get one ounce of sleep — where have you decided to put your baby?