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    I usually by work clothes at JCrew but I will have to check out their dresses!

    Dana Rodriguez

    That dress is so pretty and summery. You look fantastic as always!


    Aw thank you, Dana! Really appreciate it!

    shannon fowler

    This is the perfect summer dress! J Crew has really amazing clothes

    Gina Ferrell

    This dress is so perfect for the summer and for the beach. I love shopping at Jcrew.


    This dress looks very light for summer! Great for hot days.

    Lisa Brown

    the dress is great, always wanted something like that for the summer.

    Sandy Klocinski

    Awesome dress! The sandals set it off perfectly.


    YOU look great in this dress but the only thing I own that’s white, any more is a turtleneck and my wedding dress!


    The dress is so crisp and pretty. Perfect for a summer day. Julieh


    That dress says “SUMMER” so beautifully.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com