What Can Parents Do About Bullying
- March 27, 2013
- by Melissa Lawrence
I’ve been asked to do a video on bullying – such a huge, significant topic and of course, I’m no expert. However, I did want to share two experiences my family has had with bullying behavior, both of which occurred at a summer camp, and what I learned from them. My children range in age from 2-8 and these experiences pertain to younger kids.
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Help Stop Bullying
Parents are really in an important position when it comes to how to help stop bullying. They miWhat Can Parents Do About Bullyingght have heard first hand from their child about an event at school or camp – they can get involved and work to stop bullying behavior before it gets bigger and bigger.
Watch this video for what I have learned about bullying based on my child’s experience and please share your own. What is your definition of a bully for kids? Is it just a kid who is mean? How do you think we can help stop bullying? Did I do the right thing here when I decided that getting involved was the only way to go?
May your children feel loved, safe, and happy and may all bullying stop. Xo Melissa
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