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    mom a la mode

    Well done and well stated! My 2 1/2 year old just started pre school this month and I completely agree that there are skills and social situations that he is getting there that he can’t possibly get with me, a mom who works from home part-time.

    And I LOVED the part of this article about the “Legions of other moms and dads must be in the same boat because someone is posting all of that other stuff on Facebook.” So true!!!!

    thanks, Lisa

    Melissa Lawrence

    So glad you liked it…and thank you for commenting here!

    Melissa Lawrence

    Hi there Lisa, thanks for commenting and I’m excited to hear about momalamode!!! Keep up the great work!

    Lorana Fallone

    Hello Darling,I loved your article and agree with all your reasons I particularly liked the reference to the ribbons I also remember a sweet enthusiastic wee girl having lots of fun and great joy in her preschool experience .Keep up the good work Love Lorana

    Melissa Lawrence

    Thanks Lorana for the support!! Miss and love you, xoxo Lisa


    Oh thank god I saw this 🙂 my son starts his Pre school next week. And for someone like us – me n my son had never been apart , this is tough. I kept questioning if I am pushing it hard on him at such young age. Seeing this I am sure – this is the right thing for him. He is a quick learner n I don’t have enough ways to entertain him productively at home. U r right 🙂 hopefully he settles down leaving me n starts to enjoy school

    Sagarika Sahana

    Great write-up; certainly, having our child in preschool will rather be more educating to them; making them to learn academic and social skills. With exposure they would get in, they will be more comfortable in higher standards, learning how to cope up social threats somewhat and living sensibly.

    Yes, our home is not a preschool; our child may not learn what they would learn over there, fairly in a well-organized environment. They have someone constantly looking after them, teach them and have a fun with them; they stay fully occupied with something they would learn maximum out of; yes with strengthened memories going ahead in life (that they once learned & enjoyed being in such places)!


    I’ve been debating this in my mind, but it did occur to me that my child may blossom differently in a new environment, something I may not experience with him at home. Great tips!