5 Tips on Baking with Kids
- December 20, 2016
- by Melissa Lawrence
Hi everyone. Melissa here! Welcome back to CloudMom. Baking with kids is one of those things we idealize in our culture but which in fact turn out to be more challenging than the Norman Rockwell painting. Personally, I’ve had many a time baking with my five during which I wanted to tear my hair out. Having the kids in the kitchen often equals extra stress and this certainly equates to my experience. My kids compete for who gets to do what, saying “I want to stir“, “I want to crack the egg“, “I want to put in the sugar“… I spend my time mediating their arguments. And I inevitably forget how much or what I have already added to the mixture! Ugh! Meanwhile, eating my kids to cook has been a priority of mine so I have’t wanted to abandon ship entirely.
In today’s video, I make some suggestions for how to bake with kids in an easier fashion based on my own experience. For starters, I suggest baking with just one kid so that the activity can be satisfying for the child and less frustrating for the parent. I then give other tips. Take a look and share what works for you.
Happy baking and Happy Holidays!
Melissa xx