5 Things Toddlers Say
- July 25, 2013
- by Melissa Lawrence
Any parent of a toddler has heard the things I’m going to list in this Vlog… maybe hundreds of thousands of times. Honestly, you can survive as a kid in this country only saying the same limited number of things. It doesn’t take much to get your point across when you are a toddler!
Watch here for my classic rendition of things toddlers say and weigh in with what your toddler says (again, and again, and again!).
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“no” My 25month old son says it all day everyday to everything he is asked.
Melissa Lawrence
Amazing how fast they learn that word and how much they use it, and then you never hear yes!
My toddler never says “full.” But he repeatedly tells me “I’m hungry,” even 5 minutes after he just ate!
The number one thing he likes to say to us right now is “NO!”
Melissa Lawrence
I think frequent use of the word no is in the genes like breathing, eating, and tantrums!
I can relate to the “I want!” thing. My three year old is still saying how much she wants things. We just went to Disneyworld a few weeks ago, and she’s still saying, “I just want to talk to Rapunzel again…” “I just want to go to Disneyworld again…” “I just want to ride Peter Pan again…” A little more developed, but still, over half of what comes out of that child’s mouth is prefaced with the words, “I want!”
Melissa Lawrence
Kristen, do you have the books about Bossy Bear? Get them, they are so funny and your child will laugh too! It makes mine realize how much they sound like that and never say please! Did you like Disneyworld? We’ve never been, kind of intimidated by the whole thing!