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    I am extremely thankful for a healthy family and a warm house!

    Lindsay L.

    I’m so thankful that I get to share this holiday with my husband and son, we’re apart way too often!


    We made a similar turkey, but we put the hand prints on a toilet paper roll. 🙂 This Thanksgiving I’m most thankful for the health of my loves ones. When times get tough I remember that at least we are safe and healthy! Thank goodness!


    I’m most grateful this Thanksgiving for my amazing dream come true daughter who loves to make crafts with me to decorate our table!


    I’m grateful that my family is healthy and relatively happy most of the time. Also that my mom ordered dinner so I don’t have to cook, although I was planning to. And I’ll still bake.

    Anitha Kuppuswamy

    I am thankful for the power of the internet. It gives me the ability to work from home and be there for my family!


    I am grateful that my WHOLE family will be home for Thanksgiving … we are very proud of my brother just returned from duty in Afghanistan.

    Melissa Lawrence

    Jennie, that is wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Kathy Dickens

    I am thankful for my family. I have blessed with 2 children (10 & 2) and a wonderful husband. My son loves his little sister so much and I love they usually get along!

    Alana P

    This Thanksgiving I am most grateful that my 9.5 month old daughter is graduating from her DOC Band with a beautifully rounded head & through physical therapy she no longer has Torticollis!

    Melissa Lawrence

    Congratulations Alana — we will reach out to you about your prize!


    After struggling with a difficult pregnancy and birth……I am thankful for having a healthy beautiful baby girl….She has made my year 🙂


    I am grateful that my family is healthy and we have a wonderful time together.


    I am grateful for my grandchildren and my job


    I have a lot to be thankful. I am most thankful for my mother. Now that I am a father I see what a sacrifice my mom made for me. My parents divorced when I was very young (7). My mother worked to support us and she always supported. In the 70’s it was uncommon for parents to be divorced. She always encouraged me and was always there to help me when I was having problems at school (because my parents were divorced kids would be mean) I am a lot stronger because of my mom and I believe I am who I am today because of her. I am to thankful that we live close and I am able to talk to her whenever I want to.


    These comments are bringing tears to my eyes, I am so happy to hear stories of families enjoying their time together for the holidays and appreciating each other. I am so grateful to all of you for coming to comment, and for not making fun of my pretty basic Thanksgiving table decorations! Xo Melissa

    Melissa Lawrence

    The winner of this giveaway is Alana — congratulations and I’m so happy to hear about your baby!

    Thank you everyone for your comments. I’m also very grateful for a happy, healthy family this holiday season. XO, Melissa